How the Phallosan Forte Works
The Phallosan Forte can be very effective, according to a German urological clinical study and our user feedback.
While it is not our overall top recommendation, it is a decent option.
Non-erect length, when the penis extender is worn six hours a day for five days a week, was shown to increase by 3.6 cm or 1.41 inches. Erect stage growth was 1.14 inches.
Developed by highly trained physicians, 8 years of experience has gone into the first truly wearable penis extender.
The Phallosan Forte is designed to be allergen-free, comfortable to wear and offer stealth wear options. Thousands of customer responses led to an improved Phallosan Forte system being developed. The didn’t stop developing the system at that point. Each year the manufacturers improve and evolve the product. This resulted in the new Phallosan Plus rob-based extender attachment.
Scientific by Design
The efficacy of Phallosan was proven in 2004, and the device has undergone numerous improvements that have led to enhanced comfort and better results in terms of increased penis size and usage. The extender follows the basic principle that the body will react when tissue is distended.
Continued distention leads to the body reproducing cells, lengthening and enlarging body parts as a result.
Gentle distension, over a long period of time, has been used by primitive people to extend their lips, earlobes and even their penis. Expanders are used when inserting a breast implant and skin grafting surgery follows a similar principle that overstretches the skin.
Studies conducted in 2004, 2005 and 2009 demonstrate the efficacy of the Phallosan Forte.
What Is The Secret? Penile Traction + Time
The Phallosan works but applying gentle tension to the penis, over a long period of time, to force the penile tissue’s cells to reproduce. The user’s glans and foreskin will be enclosed inside of an airtight sleeve and in a protective cap.
The penis is secured with a stretch belt that will apply an even, pulling force to the penile tissues.
Clinical Phallosan Forte Results
A six-month clinical trial showed that penile size is improved by:
- 4.1 inches on average
- 9 inches at the maximum
Users wore the extender for a period of six hours, five days per week over a period of six months.
The study includes three-month results, too, which indicate:
- 4 cm growth in the .25 quantile
- 7 cm for the median
- 8.3 cm for the mean
- 9.5 cm in the .75 quantile
- 5 cm at the maximum
Six-month results were even more impressive:
- 8.5 cm growth in the .25 quantile
- 3 cm for the median
- 4.7 cm for the mean
- 8 cm in the .75 quantile
- 9 cm at the maximum
Interestingly, minimum growth experienced at the three-month mark was 0.00 cm, but at the six-month mark, the minimum growth was 0.20 cm, demonstrating the benefits of long-term use versus short-term usage.
Penile length at the start of the study for an erect penis was 8.70 cm at the minimum, after the three-month mark, this erection length was 10.50 cm and 11 cm after six months. The mean, erect length increased from 12.30 cm to 13.40 cm after three months and 14.10 cm after six months.
Maximum erect lengths went from 15.50 cm to 16 cm and 16.5 cm during the third- and six-month measurement respectively.
Erection behavior of all participants were also logged with the following results:
- 8% of participants claim that erection behavior was unchanged
- 2% of participant claim that erection behavior was better
Statistics from the study indicate that length of wear correlates to better erection behavior, with 50%+ of patients claiming that their erection quality increased after six months.
In terms of erection duration, the majority of patients (75%) claim that duration stayed the same, yet 25% claimed an improvement in the duration that they’re able to maintain an erection.
A person that is using the Phallosan Forte may be able to help combat erectile dysfunction.
Erection hardness was improved in 50% of participants.
Ejaculation time, an interesting statistic for anyone that has premature ejaculation, was improved on over 20% of participants. The participants claim they were able to extend the time before ejaculation occurred. While their is some amount of trust involved in this metric, it is worth further investigation as this could open an entire new segment of potential users.
Sensitivity was improved in 41.7% of participants, with 54.2% stating that their sensitivity remained unchanged. One patient did note that they had less overall sensitivity. Libido was increased in 45.8% of patients. This is another important measure of use for this type of device that we initially did not consider. The boost in confidence from the size increase led to a stronger desire.
Satisfaction, a statistic that is related directly to Phallosan rather than sex, was impressive. Over 91% of patients, all of which used the device for a six-month period or longer, claimed that they were satisfied with the results and Phallosan Forte system as a whole.
The hypoplasia of a penis is 11 – 12 cm at the erect state.
Phallosan may be used as a primary treatment for penile hypoplasia.
Penile girth, or thickness, is also increased up to 10%, while penile curvature can be corrected over the long-term with extended wear.
Phallosan Build Quality & Use Tips
Phallosan Forte provides the best results when worn up to the six-month period or longer. Results for some users are experienced within the first three months of usage, but the cell replication needs to take place over the long-term.
As the best penile traction device on the market, the Phallosan Forte offers several comfort advantages over rod based devices:
- Suction ball that integrates into the system flawlessly, offering increased pressure when pressure loss is experienced.
- Suction bell offers room to grow and is made with allergen-free material.
- Sleeve condom, made of medical grade silicone, and is non-allergenic. The sleeve has different size options available. *The manufacturer now ships 4 additional sleeves with each unit sold.
- Protector cap, which protects the glans in the event that the vacuum suction is too high.
- Tension clip that is designed to transfer tension from the belt to the suction bell.
- Elastic belt, which is designed with extreme elasticity to allow for full movement without loosening.
Positive force creation will change depending on the user’s settings, from 0.88 pounds up to 6.61+ pounds.
Designed with medical-grade materials and 18 years of refinement, the Phallosan does require different usage when first starting to use the device.
- Start the initial week slow, using the device for up to four hours as comfort allows. Split usage up and use lower tension settings to get accustomed to the extender.
- The second week should follow the same concept, but start to increase tension slightly.
- The third week, wear the extender for six hours per day at a tension level that is as high as comfort allows.
A lot of other reviews will recommend wearing the device for longer, and it can be worn up to 10 hours per day. But keep in mind that the clinical studies that we mentioned extensively in the beginning of the article had a wear schedule of:
- 6 hours per day
- 5 days of wear
Some users will start to increase time and the amount of days that the extender is worn. It is recommended that you follow the same schedule that is found in the clinical studies.
Note: Results will start to be experienced within the first three months, but the majority of the results experienced in the studies occurred between month 3 and 6.
Day and night wear are possible. The Phallosan is discreet and can be worn all day without being noticeable to the wearer. The device’s protector cap, designed with ultra-soft silicone, allows for extender wear without pain or discomfort. This stealth mode was our favorite feature.
Studies show that there are no side effects when the wear instructions are followed.
Wear to the left or right of the groin is possible, and all materials are allergen-free to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction occurring. An internal suction pump and tension gauge will allow for precision tuning of the extender.
The device is invisible beneath cloth, so it can be worn to work or outside without fear of exposure. Patented internationally, the device does not use metal telescopes and has no risk of strangulation of the penis.
2023 Update: New Rod Based Attachment The Phallosan Plus Extender
The new Phallosan Plus attachment is here, and it aims to be the extension device that Phallosan Forte was missing.
Users of the Forte wanted more – faster gains, better results and a system that was more on par with the Sizegenetics style of extension. In fact, some dedicated men combined both devices to get the best of both of styles.
The Sizegenetics device is still our number one pick for results.
And that’s what Phallosan Plus delivers: a robust, improved version of the Phallosan Forte.
What is the Phallosan Plus?
Users love the original device, and when the product was first released, it became wildly popular and changed the lives of many across the world. The bedroom would never be the same for some men after using this product.
But there were a few areas that the original could build off of and make better for overall penis length and girth gains.
Phallosan Plus is the answer- it combines proven penis enlargement methods into one device.
Users of the Forte can now use their device in a more flexible, efficient way. This isn’t a complete overhaul of the system that users know and love. Think of it as an upgrade.
The Phallosan Plus is an attachment that:
- Combines a rod-based extender to the Forte
- Offers the power of the Phallosan Forte’s stretching system
If you’ve wanted an improvement on the original Phallosan Forte, the Plus is your answer.
The extender allows you to apply as much as 4.8 kg of pulling power to your penis.
The extra pull is painless and leads to:
- Higher potency
- Straighter penis
It’s an attachment that helps you achieve gains faster and more efficiently without worrying about pain or discomfort in the process.
When you order the Plus, you’ll receive the following items in your package:
- Elastic belt
- Buckle
- Adapter
- 3 suction bells of different sizes
- 2 protector caps
- Tension clip
- 3-way suction bell
- Travel bag
- Measuring template
- Plus+ accessory kit
How to Use the Phallosan Plus
By combining a rod-based system into the Forte, it’s possible to enhance your results. When you receive the Plus+, you’ll need to first make sure that you choose the condom sleeve that fits you best.
There’s no guesswork involved with this process.
Instead, look through the packaging for the measuring template to determine which sleeve size is the right choice for you. It’s important that you do all of your measuring when you’re flaccid so that you can choose a size best suited to your penis.
The instructions are great and go into detail on how to best use this device. You’ll find that the unit also includes:
- Symbols
- Guides
You’ll have to attach the vacuum pump to the bell –it’s easy – and then align it with the pump symbol to begin using it properly. Once this is all in place, you’ll want to begin by pumping up the unit and starting the stretching process.
What Results Can You Expect from the Phallosan Plus?
Results take time. One if the biggest mistakes that users make is that they’re very inconsistent with their usage. They may use it for a week, and then they take a few days or a week off and never achieve the results that they had hoped for initially.
The secret to achieving results is:
- 6 hours of daily wear
- 5 days of usage per week
You need to remain consistent if you want the device to promote cellular growth. Over time, you’ll start to notice penile length increases first and eventually girth increases, too. Based on the manufacturer’s own studies and trials, the users that are able to achieve the highest level of growth are those that are consistent.
If growth isn’t your only concern, the Plus also has the ability to help if you’re suffering from one of the following conditions:
1. Erectile Dysfunction
Approximately 52% of men will suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction during their lifetime. The older you get, the higher your chances of getting erectile dysfunction. Phallosan Plus helps combat erectile dysfunction with even less usage.
If you want to correct this issue, you will:
- Wear 5 hours per day
- Wear 3 days per week
When you use the Plus, you’ll be promoting blood flow to the penis and stimulating your prostate gland. The increase in blood circulation will allow you to become aroused, aiding in additional blood being pushed into the penis.
You’ll be training your body to have more frequent erections and doing so with greater penile strength.
2. Peyronies Disease and Penile Curvature
The adapter leverage allows you to begin treating Peyronies Disease and correcting any penile curvature that you may have. The key to correcting your curvature is following the proper wear routine:
- 4 days with the Forte
- 2 days with the adapter leverage
Scar tissue in the area where the penis is bent will eventually have new cells grafted onto them, slowly straightening the penis. Time is key when trying to correct peyronies disease, so it’s important to remain consistent with your use.
Who Should Use the New Phallosan Plus?
Offering a substantial improvement on the original Phallosan Forte, the Phallosan Plus can be used by anyone who wants to:
- Increase the size and girth of their penis
- Correct penile curvature and peyronies disease
- Correct erectile dysfunction by promoting blood flow to the penis
The Phallosan Forte extender has been on the market for years. It’s a proven system that works well, and the addition of a rod-based system makes the device even more effective. You’re able to use an upgrade to one of the world’s most popular penis extenders for real penis enlargement results.
Since a vacuum system is used rather than a loop system, there’s less risk of:
- Pain after hours of use
- Bruising
- Irritation
Urologists and patients were brought into the product development process to create a product that doesn’t cause pain and that has high patient satisfaction levels.
A few of the many benefits of the Phallosan Plus are:
- No surgery required. There’s never a reason to have surgery when you have a proven method of penile growth. Instead, you’ll be stimulating the body’s natural cell production, allowing you to enjoy a longer, thicker penis. The method is a highly respected and studied form of penis enhancement. Adding in the rod-based attachment gives you more flexibility and options to achieve optimal penile size.
- Comfortable. Comfort is so important because if you’re not comfortable during wear, you’ll likely stop wearing your extender. Multiple avenues have been followed to offer better comfort, including the protector cap, which allows you to push your limits while preventing swelling when using at the highest settings.
- Discreet. Phallosan’s creators know that men don’t want to show the world that they’re trying to enhance their penis size. It’s never fun to admit that your penis is smaller than you had hoped. Shipping is fast and discreet so that you never have to worry that a partner, wife or neighbor will see what you’ve ordered.
The Phallosan Forte extender that you know and love is even better when the Plus is added to it. You’ll be able to choose whether you want to use the rod-system or not. When used appropriately, you’ll be able to increase your penile length and girth over time.
Consistent use is required if you want lasting results.
When worn properly, you’ll also be able to combat penile curvature and issues with erectile dysfunction. The Phallosan Plus is a major advancement in a system that is known to provide exceptional growth without the bruising or pain of other extenders.
Where to Buy the Phallosan
Direct from manufacturer purchase is recommended to avoid knock offs and enjoy extra perks of ordering from the manufacturer. Delivery is within 2 working days in Europe, and an additional four sleeve condoms are included ($100 in savings).
Products are boxed in plain packaging with no indication that the buyer has purchased a penis extender.
A 2-year warranty protects your investment from defects or premature breaks under normal wear.
However…. we do not recommend buying the Phallosan device at all.
After 2 decades of extensive research in penile enlargement, we can say without a doubt that Sizegenetics extender is the best overall option for men to increase their length and girth comfortably.
If you are serious about increasing your size, then we recommend skipping the gimics with the Phallosan sleeves. Go with Sizegenetics if you want lasting results. If you put in the time, it is the overall best decision you can make. You will also save $50 over the Phallosan.