

As you’re no doubt aware by now, I’m a guy who has been conducting a rather serious online penis size survey, and during the last five years I’ve received replies from over 11,000 men worldwide. However, like any survey, and especially one concerned with man’s most personal possession, the data is somewhat suspect. Confusion over measurement instructions, inaccurate readings and, worse still, complete fabrications can contribute to incorrect conclusions as to the average dimensions of the male penis.

In order to determine the extent of such erroneous data, I’ve initiated a validation study in which I personally take measurements of volunteers. Interviews of approximately 45 minutes are scheduled between 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays, or 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and consist of verbally responding to the non-measurement portions of the questionnaire followed by having the various measurements taken. Upon completion of the interview, I provide an analysis of the study subject’s results by determining precisely how they rate in comparison to the other men who have participated. As of this writing, over 90 individuals in the Washington D.C. area have helped me out, but I do need more subjects.

The study requires men between the ages of 18 to 55 and who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) no greater than 25 (for those who are unsure as to what their BMI reading is, please go to Despite the BMI restriction, penis size is not a criterion and men of any endowment status are welcome. If you’d like to participate, meet the above criteria and live in or are planning to visit the Washington D.C. area, please send me a message by clicking on the icon below and I’d be happy to arrange a convenient time and place to meet.